SAVE THE DATE! 13th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies
We are pleased to announce that the 13th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies will take place as physical conference from 15-19 September 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic. This event is organized by the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany). It focuses on the opportunities, challenges and developments in circular carbon and carbon management technologies for the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy via recirculation of carbon-containing secondary raw materials into the production cycle.
The conference will provide an interactive discussion forum not only for scientists, specialists, practitioners and diverse stakeholders to exchange latest developments, information and insights for the transition towards a net-zero carbon economy at the nexus of science, technology and society; technology developers and plant operators will also share their current/planned projects as well as operational experiences along the waste-to-products and other circular carbon value chains.
In addition to the scientific program, the conference will also include the opportunity to participate in exciting technical tours, as well as interesting social events designed to facilitate networking and interaction between conference participants.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 2025 International Freiberg Conference in September this year!